The Club shall be known as the QUINTE LEGION LYNX TRACK AND FIELD CLUB. QLLTFC shall be the club official abbreviation.
The QLLTFC is a non-profit corporation governed by the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA). QLLTFC was incorporated in August 19, 2002 and the Ontario Corporation Number (OCN) is 1528741.
The QLLTFC shall abide by Athletics Ontario, the Ontario Minor Track Association (MTA) and Athletics Canada guidelines in the day-to-day conduct of operations as they pertain to training, competitions, and club management.
The aims and objectives of the QLLTFC are:
to foster and develop recreational and competitive Athletics as an activity of choice for members of the QUINTE REGION community to express and develop their talents and abilities, resulting in personal enrichment;
to promote Athletics as a means of healthy exercise, to contribute to the physical fitness of our community;
to promote the development of good citizenship and good sportsmanship and leadership through participation in amateur competitive Athletics;
to develop competitors for local, Provincial, National and, ultimately, International competition;
to develop volunteer officials to permit self-sufficient operation of TRACK AND FIELD Meets;
to provide an affordable and cost- effective Athletics program for the Quinte Region; and
to support the Royal Canadian Legion Track and Field program.
The QLLTFC vision is:
To promote competitive Athletics, as a sport, through excellence in athletic performance and developmental program offerings.
The Club membership shall be as follows:
a. Regular Memberships
The following persons are eligible for Regular membership: Anyone who has paid or
made arrangements to pay in full their seasonal or yearly membership.
b. Associate Memberships
Any person who joins the Club as a non-competitive member.
In the case of the QLLTFC, the participating members are in fact the athletes, who are, for the
vast majority, children aged 8-18. In such cases, the Voting privilege is transferred to the parents/guardians. (See VOTING for more details)
The QLLTFC shall be administered by a Board of Directors composed as follows:
President: The President shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Vice-President: The Vice-President shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year; and
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Head Coach: The Head Coach shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Registrar: The Registrar shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Parent Representative: The Parent Representative shall be elected once each year at the annual general meeting and shall assume office at that time and for a period of one year.
Board of Directors has the authority to oversee the implementation of policies during intervals between meetings of the membership including:
Managing funds and allocating money to maintain the daily operation of the Club.
Management, appointment, release and assignment of coaches
Voting on issues brought up for discussion.
Decisions about general training and competition schedule for each season.
Identifying and bringing policy and procedures to membership for discussion and voting.
See Bylaws for descriptions of positions.
The QLLTFC may continue to operate with vacancies in the Board positions. Such vacancies must be recorded in the Minutes of both the QLLTFC Board meetings and the annual general meeting. The duties related to the vacant positions shall be assumed by the remaining QLLTFC Board Members.
The QLLTFC Board of Directors may co-opt a member into filling a vacant position, until such time as elections are called.
General Meeting: General meetings are meetings of all Directors and members. General meetings shall be held once a year (annual general meeting) at the end of the outdoor season.
Board of Directors Meetings: QLLTFC Director meetings shall be held as required to ensure proper and smooth operation of the club.
General Meetings: The quorum for a General meeting shall be at least 25% of the members.
The President may declare a quorum present when the above number is not achieved, provided the percentage attending is recorded in the QLLTFC General Meeting minutes and submitted for approval.
Board of Directors Meetings: The quorum for a QLLTFC Board meeting shall be a majority of the QLLTFC Board membership.
All current members of the QLLTFC are entitled to vote. Normally, most participating
members will be represented by their parents/guardian at the time of voting. All issues to
be voted on shall be requested at notice of meeting thereby decided by the club membership. All issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple majority vote with a quorum present. In the case where a family has more than one participating member part of the club the whole family is entitled to a maximum of two votes. A tie vote must go to written ballot. If the vote is tied again then the motion is lost.
All minutes of Board and General meetings shall be passed.
Any membership may be cancelled because of actions clearly detrimental to the interests of
the QLLTFC. This can be done only after a majority decision of the Board of Directors and
subsequent review at the next regular or special General Meeting. Notwithstanding review, the Board may suspend membership privileges until such time as a thorough review
can be held at a General meeting. The individual whose membership has been revoked or
suspended has the right to submit a written appeal to the QLLTFC President.
The Constitution and By-laws may be amended at the direction of the Board of Directors.
Any proposal to alter the Constitution and By-laws shall be posted on the QLLTFC website
board at least (30) days prior to a General meeting where the Board shall put any
resulting resolutions to an immediate vote for approval in principle. These amendments shall be recorded in the QLLTFC minutes.
Schedule A – Document Control Version
Constitution No. 1 (original)- Approval by Board -Approval by Members
Constitution No. 2 -Feb 29 2024 -New constitution updated to include new Lynx name, increased information about executive cttee roles. Schedule D Document Control added to track future changes. Approval by Board -Approval by Members
Constitution No. 3 -April 4 2024 -Add g) to Purpose, move head coach and parent rep from Advisory Cttee and add to list of Directors, remove Advisory cttee descriptions and add to Schedule in Bylaws, change general meetings to one per year after outdoor season, under Voting, remove that President can cast deciding vote and add section 9.06 from ON bylaws, that tie vote must go to written ballot and if still tied then motion is lost. Approval by Board -Approval by Members
Constitution No. 4 -Oct 2024 -Add: Registrar to list of Director positions. Approval by Board -Approval by Members